Tuesday 6 January 2015

You can knit with anything!

Knitting is a stupidly expensive hobby. Anyone who has bought material to knit a sweater will tell you that it's usually cheaper just to buy one.

That being said, it's also a very fun and can be a great way to feel less horrible about yourself for spending the day in front of the T.V. Yes, the best part about knitting is that you can knit yourself a blanket while watching The Mindy Project.

But how will you know if knitting is for you without dropping $50 on materials?

 I'm here to tell you that you can knit with anything even remotely stick shaped and anything even remotely yarn shaped. Back in the stone ages, old timey people used to knit with whatever they had on hand, so there's no reason why you can't do the same.

For this project you will need:
  • Something remotely stick shaped. I have use pencil crayons in the tutorial, but you can get creative. Bamboo skewers would probably work well.
  • Something remotely yarn shaped. Root around your  house for a bit. Some old twine would work well, or I have used a ribbon. You'll probably get frustrated if you try to use something as thin as thread, but you're the crafter so you can make the call.

Okay so we have assembled the materials we will need, now how do I knit? First you will need to cast on. This video gives a great demonstration of how to do this:

Okay, that was easy enough

I would suggest casting on just two or three stitches since we're not really trying to make anything here and fewer stitches gives you less opportunity to mess up.

It's kinda slow. Personally I would skip to the two minute mark

And that's it. Just repeat until you get to the end of your yarn substitute, rip it out and try again. I won't bother casting off since this is really just a useless little piece of nothing, but I'll include a video on it just so that I can say I gave you a well rounded education:

I hope you found this to be a useful tutorial. One more thing I'd like to add is that you should never let anyone tell you that arm knitting is a thing. It will invariably end like this:

nailed it!

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